Good morning...
It's been a while so this is probably going to be a long one!!
We got back from Mike's MRI on Tuesday around 11:45. I think most of you know the reasoning behind having to do this... the speech delay/apraxia/neuro visit...if not, go through my older blogs and read the one entitled Mikey-Mike.
Anyway we had to be at the hospital at 8 so we dropped Katie off at the before care program at school at 7 and headed out. Around 8:45 they gave him the sedation meds and he took them pretty well. It took him about 20 minutes to fall asleep but when he was out he was out! We had to wait 15/20 minutes for the machine to become available and then they did the test that the ped. neuro ordered, the MRI without contrast, and it took about 15 minutes. Once the MRI was done the tech had the radiologist look at it and after 10 or 15 minutes the radiologist felt that he needed another look at things with the contrast liquid. Of course, that required a needle and I was not allowed to be in the room when they gave it to him. So, they gave him the needle in his foot and that woke him up. He was up crying for a few minutes but the nurse & tech were able to get him to go back to sleep. They did the 2nd MRI and then I was able to bring him into the other room and wake him up. He was really out of it and his body was like jell-o. When we got home I was (and still am) really hesitant to let him walk a lot on the cement tiles since he was walking like he was on a bad acid trip. By around 7:30 he was still walking like he had a beer buzz but he was much better than when we first got home!
So, on Thursday I realized that I hadn't ever gotten the results from that blood work that I had to bring him in for. You know, the one where they drew 7 (yes, SEVEN) vials of blood from Mike's arms. Around 4:30 or so the neurologist called and apparently the MRI came back abnormal. He couldn't really explain what it is since he was looking at the report and not the MRI itself. Apparently is a ventricular swelling/enlargement somewhere in the brain. He said it isn't a tumor or an infection or anything fatal but he couldn't really expand on it much more b/c he hadn't seen the actual MRI yet and he was just going by the radiologist's report.
He was going to make me wait until my appointment on October 30th to discuss the MRI results w/ me but thankfully my NY Mama Bear came out and demanded an earlier appt so I was able to get an appt in a couple of weeks. (September 18 to be exact) I think I persuaded him to make my appt earlier when I said, 'there is no way you can call me to tell me that my 2 year old's brain MRI came back abnormal and then make me wait 2 months to find out what is going on.'
So, that's it in a nutshell... I am going to be on pins & needles for 2 weeks but as long as it isn't a tumor or something horrible like that we can deal with it, right?
So, now we wait for results again on my little man...
And then this morning I got a message from my mom. Katie's nursery and pre-K teacher and my mom's friend, Mrs. R, passed away this morning. A year ago yesterday she was diagnosed with Stage 4 colon cancer that had already invaded her liver and lungs. It is so unfair that she was taken at such a young age. She was only in her 50's, she has 2 children and 2 grandchildren. Thankfully she was able to be at her daughter's side as she got married this past April. She was able to be here to see her first granddaughter and be here for a couple of short years of her life and she was able to see her second granddaughter who was born just 2 weeks ago. I truly believe she held on to see this new baby. I am so sorry though that she won't ever be able to see her any of her future grandchildren or be able to share in the joys of seeing her daughter pregnant for the first time. She was such an amazing woman, she was always so kind, she was a wonderful teacher and a fantastic woman. She will be greatly missed but never forgotten. Rest in Peace Mrs. R...