Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Mike update 9.23.08

We were moved out of the PICU this morning. They have decided that they have a good handle on the brain fluid drainage and will continue to do what they have been doing in terms of draining and monitoring manually. We have no news as to a diagnosis though. I don't think anyone can even guess-timate when we may get something on that front.
Mike has been an amazing kid during all of this. He really has no love for any of the medical professionals that have come in to check on him though! As soon as someone in scrubs or a white jacket comes in the room he yells, 'no no no', 'all done', 'not now' but the nurses have taken it all in stride. The nursing staff has been amazing here, they have been so great with Mike and so tolerant of me and all of my questions. He hasn't tried pulling at the drain in his head since the night of surgery and he only scratched at the stitches once and that was the first night too.
I really just can't wait for a diagnosis. There is something so very wrong with sitting in a hospital room waiting to find out if your 2 year old has some kind of rare infection, some kind of rare growth, a spinal tumor or cancer... Please keep us in your prayers...


Unknown said...

our thoughts are with you. i am so sorry to hear that your son and family have to experience this.

Train Wreck said...

I've been praying more than M.C. Hammer...

Anonymous said...

Your family is in our prayers!!!

Andersen Family said...

I just saw a message about you on mamapolooza. I have never met you but our daughter has been sick and we spend a lot of time at All Children's they are awesome, you are in great hands. I will be praying for your family. If there is anything I can do to help please let me know.

Lucinda said...

I too am a member of Mamapalooza and although I've never met you either, we are praying for your family. When I read one of your posts about them almost making you wait nearly 2 months for an appt. I have to admit I was a little upset. Be strong for your little man, you are his biggest advocate! Sometimes the "unknown" is harder to deal with then having a diagnosis. We're praying overtime that he overcomes this and you all can join us again at a meetup!
Great Big Prayers!
The Midnet Family,
Lucinda & the Boys

Kay said...

We are praying for Mikey. I can't imagine what you are going through. I'm praying for you too! You're doing great mom!!

Jenny G said...

Thinking of you all and hoping for the best. No parent or family should have to deal with all of this.

Meredith Strachan said...

We've never met you Chrissie but we are keeping you and your family in our thoughts!!

Unknown said...

I just go the news from Mamapalooza and I have not met you but my thoughts are with you.
Your story reminds me of my dad who had fluids in his brain and they had to drain it... after they found out he had STREPTOCOCCUS . A virus that only one in million a person can get. And this whole thing started from a teeth.
He is one of the lucky ones and is in recovery.
I will be praying for you.
Best regards

Anonymous said...

((((Chrissie and Mikey)))) You and your family will contiue to be in my thoughts and prayers.

Anonymous said...

oh girl, you are all in my thoughts. if there is anything I can do please let me know, I realize we don't know one another and I'm all the way in nj, but I know how hard it is to not know.