Saturday, October 4, 2008

Mike update 10.5.08

So, we got to Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in Manhattan on Thursday. The pedi neuro-oncologist who is in charge of our case and the neuro-pathologists here have said that whatever type of tumor this is they feel it is going to be a rare one. They are studying the slides from the first surgery on 9/19 and I had to bring up the pathology slides and a frozen section from the surgery on 9/30 so they are studying and analyzing them too. We are still waiting to find out what we are dealing with so that we can figure out how to treat it. It seems that the general consensus is that it will take at least a week before we find out what we are dealing with.

On a HUGE plus, they sent us home last night! Mike is considered 'medically stable' despite the tumor and being diagnosed w/ c-diff (a bacterial infection of the intestines) so instead of keeping us in there where we would really just be waiting and taking antibiotics, we were sent home. He isn't walking all that well, with the massive testicular edema and the spine still healing it's hard for him to get around. Not to mention that he has been laying around for 2 weeks since we couldn't really get up and move attached to IVs and the 'brain drain' (as I call it). He is getting there slowly though. He is super uncomfortable but he is eating like a champ and much more lively and happy being here than he was in the hospital so I am hoping that being home will help him recover so much faster!!

When we got to my mom's last night around 7:45 we surprised Katie! It was so great to see her! She has been so anxious about things and since it was her first night back in NY I know she felt a little better with Mike & me here at my mom's! She starts school on Monday and she is nervous about that so it will be great for me to be here for her when she leaves in the morning and gets home at night!

Thanks so much for all of your prayers and good thoughts! You have all been so supportive and wonderful! I will continue to keep you all updated and please keep praying... we have a long road ahead of us once we get the path results and through all the treatments!




Kathryn said...

Yeah! I'm glad he was sent home. But continued prayers that you'll get a firm diagnosis soon and that you can start treating this. Hugs to all!

pootytang said...

I'm so glad Mike is HOME! You're still in my thoughts - I hope this week passes quickly, and you get the best news possible. Give him and miss Katie hugs from us.

-Amy O

Anonymous said...

Glad he is home for now.. Will keep praying for you all!!

Kimmie5 said...

Chrissie hun, there are just no words that can be said right now to make anything okay or right. Know sweetie I'm praying for everyone in the family, and for Mikey, I pray so hard, I know the little man is going to be okay, he's so strong, he's so much like you and Matt!! Lizzie's sends Mikey kisses as well, she needs her guy to be okay.

Thanks for keeping all of us updating hun, I'm sure it's hard to do, but it means a lot to us.

Sendng prayers
