Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Spinal tap and chemo

The scheduling office at Sloan called and told me that we need to be in at 7 am tomorrow for a 9 am spinal tap/lumbar puncture. We then have a 9:45 appt in the Pediatric Day Hospital bed area for the 'before you start chemo talk' and then they will administer the first round of chemo.
Of course, since they are going to 'knock him out' for the procedure he can't have anything to eat or drink after midnight so tomorrow morning is going to be yet another tough morning for us. Matt is still up here so it will be good for him to be able to come with me so that he can meet the Dr and see where Mike and I will be going every week.
Thank you all so much for your prayers and good thoughts. Please keep them coming! I will update you all when we get home tomorrow.



Anonymous said...

Keep those updates coming. I think and talk about Mike daily. My husband and I discuss what all is going on. I pray for him all the time. Even though I have never met you guys IRL, you ARE part of my life and heart! Love you!

Putting the FUN in DysFUNctional said...

I'll be thinking of y'all in the morning.

Anonymous said...

Hi Chrissie,
I'm so glad you sent us your blog site. I've been wanting to get in touch with you but did not want to call. We pray for Mike everyday. Gianna and Cristina ask about him all the time.
We pray that everything will go OK and the Doctors will be able to shrink the tumors.
Patty D'Amato